Monday, December 8, 2014


We've all experienced adventure to one degree or another.  Doing something we've never done before.  So big, we can't put our arms around it.  Faaaar from our comfort zone!  That is the norm in God's way of doing things.  You've probably heard it said, "If it isn't God-sized, it probably isn't God."  If you can go into a new endeavor with a pretty good idea on how to accomplish it, they say, it probably wasn't God's idea.

I've always been most excited doing something that I didn't have a template on how to do it.  Everyone who does exploits for God has that pioneer spirit.  The pioneer isn't the one who gets on the bus to ride with everyone else.  The pioneer is the one who cuts out a pathway so others can follow.  Pioneers are drawn to frontier country to create something that didn't exist before, whether its launching a new ministry, starting a new business, inventing a new product, etc.

Our new adventure has begun at what was historically the gateway to the American frontier.  Just a few miles from us is the site where Lewis and Clark set out on the most epic adventure in American history...stepping into the unknown frontier known as the Louisiana Purchase.  And just south of there is what is called the Daniel Boone house.  That's the home Boone retired to when his own frontier exploits from the Appalachians to the Mississippi came to an end.  One pioneering generation gave way to the next.

I know the Lord has strategically placed us here in this our new location as part of His design.  I just can't tell you what that design is.  I have a sense that I will be working in unseen places initially which will set the stage for what is to be.  But one thing I am absolutely certain about is I am in the right place and that His timing is perfect!  We've marveled at how several times each week since this entire transition process has begun, the Lord confirming our move in so many ways.  Since arriving at our new little apartment, we've likewise marveled at the arrangements, the setting, and even the first inkling of relationships we already see the Father connecting us to!

But we are SO aware that we were launched by a wealth of wonderful people who have loved us and hold us up in prayer.  To each of you, we offer the same love and prayers for your well-being.  May the Lord unfold his richest plan for you in these momentous days!